Step into the pixelated world of Untitled Game Studio, a cozy and chaotic haven crafted by four passionate friends who crossed paths during their master's journey. With their shared love for video games, this tight-knit crew set out to create an Indie game studio that encapsulates the joy and excitement they experienced in their childhood gaming adventures. Thus, Untitled Game Studio came to life, fueled by a harmonious blend of nostalgia, creativity, and a touch of madness.
Status: In Development - Available for Wishlisting
Embark on a perilous journey as I.A.N., a courageous little Droid, fighting to save humanity from self-destruction. In a galaxy teetering on the brink of collapse, unearth the secrets of a shape-shifting substance with the power to shape survival.
Status: Development paused - Proof of concept
Join Scarlet in an epic retro RPG inspired by Pokémon and Zelda. As her world crumbles amidst a war between Elfs and demons, she must wield the power of the Dwarves' Eksaurias to avenge her lost home.
Status: Development paused - Proof of concept
Step into the shoes of Olivia Esparza, a retired NOPD detective, as she delves into a twisted realm of voodoo. Trapped in a haunting warehouse, she must unravel the mystery while evading terrifying terrors lurking in the shadows.
Step into a world of pixelated awesomeness with our exclusive merch collection. From game-inspired goodies to pixel art memes, we've got the perfect blend of nostalgia and humor.
All profit goes towards our games!
Untitled Game Studio is on a mission to redefine the gaming experience with a firm commitment to authenticity and player satisfaction. Our studio shuns loot boxes, pay-to-win mechanics, and uninspiring narratives. Instead, we prioritize immersive storylines, exhilarating exploration, and, above all, pure unadulterated fun. We firmly believe that when you invest in our games, you deserve the complete package, not just a fraction of it.
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